Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Eight Days in Arizona

Just got back yesterday from a week vacation in Arizona. We stayed four nights in Tempe and then went down to my parents' "bungalow" in Bisbee. This was Rex's third trip to AZ and his longest. The warm weather was a welcome change from cool San Francisco. We dug up our short sleeve outfits from the bottom of the closet. I wore flip flops every day! Can't beat that!
Brandi and I took advantage of some grandma babysitting and got out for dinner a few nights. We even snuck out for an entire day to visit Tucson on our way to Bisbee. Thank you mom!
We had a great time. It's great to be back home, but tough to get back in the grind after such a relaxing week.


mrstex said...

Dale and I would love to see you next time you are in town. William is getting around really well now. I bet he would love to play with Rex! Can't belive we have not seen that boy since he was 6 months old. Love the blog! Mary Burger

Megan said...

Looks like a great trip. I hope not too great.....it is good to have you back in SF! Rex is getting so handsome I can't believe he is almost 2!