Friday, November 23, 2007

Failure at the Christmas Tree Lighting

Rex and I spent the afternoon with our friends Kenny and Megan. Brandi was sleeping off her graveyard shift from last night. We had turkey day leftovers and then took BART to Union Square for the annual lighting of the Christmas tree. I usually try to get out of the house even if I'm not sure how Rex will behave. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn't. Tonight's trip to Union Square was definitely the latter. What I learned is that a crowded square jammed with thousands of people is not the best place for a 1 year old just an hour away from bedtime. Good to know!
Rex was screaming in the stroller when we got there, so I tried holding him. That was just as miserable so he got his wish and I put him down. And here I am, chasing this kid through throngs of shoppers/tree gazers, trying to keep him from danger. After about 15 minutes of that, he finally punched his ticket out by flailing around in a frenzy on the sidewalk, banging the back of his head aganist the pavement. His head made a thump sound and I heard another father nearby say "Oh, ouch!" Perfect. We're out of here.
We had a great time at Kenny and Megan's house by the way, so it wasn't all bad. Maybe next year Rex will actually know what a tree is and we can try again. Until then, I'll add tonight's misadventure to my list of bad ideas.
We did manage to get this photo taken when all was happy on the subway.


Doris said...

I love this blog stuff. keeps us informed when buisy mom and dad don't have time to call or write.

Doris said...

I love this blog stuff. So nice to have a place to get the latest on our kids.

Paula K said...

Hate to say it, but your failure makes me feel like a little less of a failure. Kids are kids. I don't go out with kids past 4 pm! Mark was humiliated when Linc hit him at the Stanford game. Good times.