Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hug Your Babies

I am a Labor and Delivery nurse and I love my job. I experience the joy of seeing babies born and people becoming parents. Last night however, I experienced a terrible tragedy. It was my second night working with the same couple. The mom came to the hospital the night before last to get her labor started (called "induction"). When I came to work last night I was happy to see that she was still there and would probably deliver her baby on my shift. The entire labor went extremely well and a beautiful baby boy was born around 2:15 am. Because the baby wasn't perking up quickly and crying I called the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse and doctor to assess. This isn't very uncommon; sometimes babies just need a little oxygen and/or suction and they come around quickly. The doctor didn't feel too comcerned, but decided to take the baby back to the NICU to give some fluids and observe. I stayed with the mom and continued her recovery in the labor room. After a little while the dad was able to visit the baby who at that point was unstable. When the mom recovered enough to leave the labor room I called to the NICU to see if she and the father could visit the baby together. That's when I found out that he was still having lots of trouble and the NICU team was coding him (CPR, medication, intubation). The doctors and nurses worked for over two and a half hours trying to resuscitate the baby, but his heart would not respond. He died this morning close to 5 am. My heart pours out to my patient and her husband. Having an unexpected death of your baby has to be at the top of the list for worst nightmares. When I came home this morning I hugged and kissed Rex over and over. Please add my patient, her husband and their baby boy to your prayers.


Paula K said...

Your patient was lucky to have such a kind and sensitive nurse like you, Brandi. I have been appreciating motherhood more lately, and your post makes me appreciate it even more.

jcallaway said...

Oh my goodness. The tears are flowing and my heart is hurting for your patient. I am so saddened for the family and will keep them in my prayers. Brandi, you are one strong woman. And, I am so very thankful to have such healthy babies.